Inspired by the uninhibited human spirit and ambition at it’s highest level. Incorporating a total unity of body and mind – a state of zen, a mindset, a culture and a lifestyle.
Seeing things without distortion created by your own thoughts and not conforming to the norm. Your thoughts and goals are limitless, you are free to manifest your own destiny, unaffected by negative energy and without letting yourself be defined by any one thing.
Like climbing a high mountain, it won’t be easy, you will fall, but the goal of getting to the top remains. The fact you never stop climbing and find ways to get to the top is what separates you from the rest.

This capsule is set to touch someone’s $oul. Those who need someone to tell them that everything will be okay. We’ve all been through the fire. None of us are perfect but we must understand why we face the dark days. We all will make it through because Dope$oul’s never quit.
We prevail. Pressure makes diamonds, and we like ours VVS++ only
Our darkest days determine the outcome. We must go through adversity in life in order to mold us into who God wants us to be. It’s hard, but we must continue to put one foot in front of the other and remain faithful.
Dark days don’t last, tough people do. Remaining as positive as possible through the turmoil. Each garment is named after the emotions, moments, and evolution of a Dope$oul. We are all unbound to be as great as we want to be, we all have a message, and the goal of our community is to help as many $ouls ascend to their greatest heights.
Kelly Oubre
Athlete, Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer
LifE. The measurement of toughness. The darkest time comes before the light. Quit? If you want. But I wouldn't recommend it. We’ll be tested. Stay strong. Don't break.
Adversity is faced by many. Did you think you were alone? Ascend. Through the fire. Find your real nature. Achieve this, and you will live forever. Forgetfulness is true death. Remembrance of it is rebirth.
The $oul Never Dies
"Darkest days determine the outcome."
Kelly Oubre
Athlete, Entrepreneur, Fashion Designer